Resume/ CV

Keir Hamilton, DPM, an Experienced Crop Consultant, Servicing the SF Bay Area, CA, USA.


Keir Hamilton, DPM

Providing Healthy Crop Cuttings/Clones Consultations, Specialized Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Programs, and Plant Pathology Management Strategies for Crop Cultivation Facilities.


Doctor of Plant Medicine (DPM)

2018 - 2021

University of Florida (UF)

The DPM program is a professional, doctoral degree program. Students study a comprehensive interdisciplinary curriculum that includes the disciplines of Agronomy, Horticulture, Entomology, Nematology, Plant Pathology and Soil and Water Sciences. Received a certificate in Plant Pest Risk Assessment and Management.

Master of Science (MSc) Horticulture

2016 - 2018

University of Florida (UF)

Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Horticultural Sciences with a concentration in Environmental Horticulture.

Bachelor of Science (BSc) Environmental Science and Policy

2012 - 2016

University of South Florida (USF)

Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Environmental Science & Policy.

Professional Experience

Hamilton Diagnostic Services

2021 - Present

SF Bay Area, CA, USA

  • Monitoring ongoing consulting projects and analyzing agricultural program operations. Providing healthy cannabis cuttings, or clones consultations and providing business advice, procedural guidance, biopesticide safety protocols, written plant health recommendations, diagnostic reports, specialized integrated pest management (IPM) programs, plant pathology management strategies and greenhouse operation optimization strategies for all crop cultivation facilities.



Watsonville, CA, USA

  • Research Internship/ Research Entomologist
  • Independently directed and executed phenotypic methods and protocols to accelerate the berry breeding pipeline. Engineered a novel tool to phenotype the tarnished plant bug on strawberry crops. Evaluated data (e.g., Brix refractometer values) using JMP® 16, managed organic research projects and statistically managed and analyzed datasets. Assessed post-harvested strawberry fruit for plant pathogens. Presented data, ad-hoc reports and graphs at internal meetings for decision-making groups. Collaborated with Entomologist, Plant Breeders, Plant Pathologist and Senior Scientist to accelerate Driscoll’s objectives. Applied biopesticides to treat spider mites on berry crops.

Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services-Division of Plant Industry (FDACS-DPI)


Gainesville, FL, USA

  • Research Associate
  • Extracted RNA from plants for a next generation sequencing kit. Prepared cDNA libraries for lab assays. Utilized a Thermal Cycler, C1000 TouchTM and NanoDrop One/OneC to assess cDNA purity. Conducted RT-qPCR for plant pathogen diagnostics. Interpreted molecular results and cycle thresholds from RT-qPCR results. Communicated plant pathogen results and subsequent integrated pest management (IPM) strategies to University of Florida greenhouse growers. Monitored and applied biopesticides for plant health in an FDACS-DPI quarantine greenhouse facility. Entered plant, soil and insect pest reports into an FDACS-DPI government database.

UF-Bioverse Labs


Gainesville, FL, USA

  • UF Entomology Research Consultant
  • Collaborated and consulted with roboticists and engineers to improve artificial intelligence (AI) sensor identification for insect pests in organic greenhouse systems. Improving AI sensors subsequently increases farmer intelligence and sustainable pest management strategies. AI, or precision agriculture fosters safe biopesticide applications for growers experiencing insect pests. Insect pest data was provided to Bioverse Labs using Microsoft Excel, Zoom and Microsoft OneDrive. Sticky cards with insects validated Bioverse Labs’ algorithm.

UF-Syngenta Flower’s


Alva, FL, USA

  • Research Intern/ Research Entomologist
  • Performed statistical analyses and interpreted rules, regulations and Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services-Division of Plant Industry (FDACS-DPI) procedures to conduct Syngenta’s agricultural objectives. Collaborated with a team (>10) to phenotype and chemotype twenty-one high-quality cannabis cultivars and characterize plant pathogens, branching, yield, lodging, cannabinoids and pest/ insect herbivory. Authored a BMP fact sheet, or brochure for hemp production in the State of Florida. Managed State of Florida cannabis permits, conducted plant tissue biomass sampling for chemotyping, conducted lab diagnostics of insect pests and plant pathogens. Communicated and presented statistical results to team members and Senior Scientists using R-Lang, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, Zoom and Microsoft Outlook.

UF/IFAS Extension Symposium Conference


Gainesville, FL, USA

  • Guest Extension Symposium Speaker
  • Communicated regulatory science utilizing Microsoft PowerPoint regarding economically important arthropods and gastropods to a public (FDACS-DPI) audience for a UF/IFAS Extension conference in Gainesville, FL. Communicated regulatory science and procedures, presented training guides and discussed regulatory law to the public and high-level government officials.

UF-Grace Marketplace FCHP Volunteer Instructor


Gainesville, FL, USA

  • Florida Certified Horticulture Professional (FCHP) Educational Instructor
  • Empowered individuals (12) who were experiencing homelessness or food insecurity through applied Horticultural Science. Fostered learning, thematic lesson plans, accountability amongst students, class team spirit and bolstered the farm-to- table dynamic.

UF/IFAS Doctor of Plant Medicine (DPM) Newsletter


Gainesville, FL, USA

  • DPM Independent Author and Contributor
  • Independently communicated to the public through the technical writing of my academic achievements in the DPM Program newsletter.

UF/IFAS Industrial Hemp Pilot Project


Gainesville, FL, USA

  • Research Associate/ Research Entomologist
  • Analyzed and interpreted rules, regulations and Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services-Division of Plant Industry (FDACS-DPI) procedures to conduct project objectives. Directed and executed experiments to collect insect pest data on open-field grown cannabis. Managed and presented data to a public audience (>30). Published pest results in a local newspaper, The Gainesville Sun. Collaborated with FDACS-DPI for regulatory cannabis compliance.

University of Florida (UF) DPM Graduate Student Council


Gainesville, FL, USA

  • UF-DPM (Doctor of Plant Medicine) Program Secretary
  • Obtained support for the Secretary position using narratives and academic justifications with persuasive arguments. Attended general body meetings, fostered diplomatic relationships and analyzed and interpreted the UF College of Agriculture and Life Science’s program and fiscal policy. Drafted internal reports and presented results utilizing Microsoft PowerPoint and Microsoft Outlook.

UF-Adapting and Expanding High Tunnel Organic Vegetable Production for the Southeast Region


Plant Science Research and Education Unit (PSREU) Citra, FL, USA

  • UF Entomology Research Associate
  • Analyzed, interpreted and applied rules and regulations from the USDA- AMS-National Organic Program (NOP) to produce specialty crops. Directed and executed integrated pest management (IPM) strategies for organic tomato, leafy greens, cowpea and bok choy in a greenhouse system. Advanced IPM by 100% after utilizing 3-D printed traps. Managed Entomologist and collaborated with Horticulturalist, Agronomist, Plant Pathologist and Agricultural Economists. Kept the team ahead of schedule, delegated workload to an Entomologist, clarified the team’s ideas and fostered commitment and team spirit. Independently prepared monthly, mid- year and ad-hoc Entomology reports for the Organic Agriculture Research and Extension Initiative.

From Gray 2 Green (G2G) – A Decision Support Tool for Transitioning to Vegetation-Based Stormwater Management


Patel College of Global Sustainability (USF), Tampa, FL, USA

  • USF Student Research Scientist
  • G2G is a suite of tools and resources that allows users to site potential BMPs, test BMP scenarios and share results. Conducted technical writing, literature searching, productivity charting, and beta testing of the ArcGIS decision support tool for green infrastructure installment. Collaborated with the University of South Florida (USF), Patel College of Global Sustainability, University of Florida, USDA Forest Service, National Urban and Community Forestry Advisory Council and Thomas L. Singleton Consulting.

Tampa Tree Map


University of South Florida (USF), Water Institute, Tampa, FL, USA

  • USF Student Research Associate
  • Tampa Tree Map is a collaboration of government, nonprofits, businesses and citizen scientists to build an inventory of Tampa's urban forest. Utilized ArcGIS, Dropbox, Google Drive, Python programming and urban tree management techniques to accelerate data collection and project objectives. Also measured central tendencies of collected data and created graphs using R-Lang. Prepared monthly, quarterly and yearly reports for meetings. Collaborated with the University of South Florida, the City of Tampa, Florida, the City of Tampa Parks and Recreation, the University of Florida, the Florida Forest Service and the USDA Forest Service to comply with policies, laws and regulations for the State of Florida’s positive development.